Lost, Listen, Knowing

Johannes Plenio Pictures

If you are lost


Listen harder than you think.

Stop looking, wondering,

following the voices in your head.

Or the voices in other heads.

Listen for the truth that bypasses the mind

the voiceless message that transmits through the heart

When the truth speaks

it is immediately recognized and understood by all.

No further explanation is needed.

That is when quiet knowing seeps through.

No proof is required, no acknowledgement

nothing to do or further actions to take

Simple Stillness.

Knowing happens, seeking comes to an end.

It isn’t something to be found,

but something that finds you

when you let it.

~ Kristin Mozeiko

Kristin Mozeiko is a dear friend and colleague. You can find her at www.alexandertechniquebrooklyn.com

Emily Whyte Rubin