Episode 6 - Embracing Pain with Steve Andrus
Embracing Pain
with Steve Andrus
Feeling Deeply Episode 6
“I don’t want to make it sound easy but to actually go into the pain and say, ‘I want to feel that pain.’ Because in order to accept it and in order to embrace it, you have to allow yourself to feel it. Otherwise you aren’t even certain what you’re embracing. And so to actually go into that pain, you find meaning in the pain. That’s where the meaning comes from. When you can go into the pain and actually feel it, it brings about a knowledge of wisdom that you can’t get by trying to go around it.”
- Steve Andrus, CMHC
In this episode, my dear friend and colleague, Steve Andrus, who’s son died by suicide 12 years ago speaks openly with me about pain, how he practices being there for himself, for others, and how working with this experience has brought deeper meaning to his life.
Steve Andrus, CMHC is a clinical mental health counselor in Salt Lake City, UT with a masters degree from Westminster College. He has his own private practice called Healing Path Psychotherapy and currently works on the domestic violence mental health team at Volunteers for America, Cornerstone Counseling Center.
He volunteers at The University of Utah, Caring Connection facilitating grief groups primarily for those who have lost someone to suicide and in healing Native American sweat lodges for youth involved in the legal system and the public.
He has given presentations for the National Alliance on Mental Illness, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, along with other local organizations.
You can reach him at smandrus@comcast.net
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