Episode 2 - Good Grief with Jack Baxter
with Jack Baxter
Feeling Deeply Episode 2
“I think grief is a secret battle we all have, but given the opportunity we would love to share.”
- Jack Baxter
In today’s episode, Jack and I speak about the loss of his dad, the Good Grief support groups he's created in the UK, how to be there more for yourself and others in grief and how many of us can say grief has changed us for the better.
Jack Baxter lives in London and after the death of his father he created Good Grief support groups and The New Normal charity, founded by himself and his two friends Ben May and James Sapwell.
Their official line is, “we’ve set up as a project connecting young adults to help and support one another through life's difficult moments.”
You can find them on Instagram at @the_new_normal_charity
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